Thursday, May 21, 2009

Post 1 What Makes Me A Hero, And My Heroic Archetype.

There is always something that defines a hero, or that person as a hero. What defines me as a hero is: I know where I am from and I cant change that, but there is always time to figure out where I want to go in life. I am not sure what I want in my life, or what I want to do, there is time for me to choose and i will use that time wisley. To not know were you are going when you are young is resonable and ok, but as you get older and more responsible and honest with yourself, you have to look and consider your options. Not every hero, real, or imaginary, on tv, big, small, smart, etc know where they want to go or how they want to spend their life. I am noth the most organized person, or the smartest, niether am i very skillful, or quick at thinking, full of laughter or joy all the time. I am not a very balanced worker, but i am fast a t learning and catching on to new things or reviewing older things, and these are what define some hero's, and in this case these define me.
I still have alot to learn and to figure out and alot of options to choose from, so deciding what kind of hero i am took alot more difficulty than i thought it did, so the topic 'What Heroic Archetype am I' I had to take into alot of consideration and my conclusion is more than one its: It is one thing for me to help myself or put myself down, but it is not a good thing to put others down, I am sayin that i can be selfish and selfless and that is also what i had to put to good terms.

Post 2 The Quests I Want To Take In My Life

Not every hero has to have just one quest in life. I have more than one quest. Seperating all of the nine quest into three groups and choosing the ones that are most like I want to in the future, I came down to this: There are many quests that I am on in my life so choosing just one was out of the question. So I chose five different quests I am on. Coming up with a name foe the five combined was as difficult as coming up with one name that defines all the five. My fisrt quest is my quest for my identity. I know who I am as a person and I am not going to change that, but I will change my ways: My attittude, my bad choices, my thinking before I act, and among other things. Also defining who I am and what I want to be and the person I want to be.
My second quest in my life line is: My journey to save people amongst me and in other places around the world. I want to help the helpless, the ones who dont have any hope, the ones who need me. I believe that I can make a difference and change the way are world and its people act towards others. Now I dont believe in miracles, but I do believe in hope and things happening for a reason, none without a reason. My parents did me the favor of adopting me and making my life better. I want to return the favor by helping others in need.
My third quest in life is: My journey in search of knowledge. I may learn quickly in some ares or subjects, but at first some things I do not get. I love to help people when they don't get it because then i learn when I help them. I still have alot to learn and I have time to do that, but when I think back, I could have worked harder and now I have to start pushing myself to my standards to do better and really try me best, not try and say its my best.
My fourth quest is: To rid the our land and our nation and our world of danger! Our world, our country, have alot of problems, problems that with the right knowledge and right choices the people can change the world! I want to go far with my future and make the best of it! I want to help make this wirld a better place and enviorment to live in. the wars, the people, the animals, are only just some of the catastrope's causing our world to be like it is. If I want do it and i put my mind to it, I will chanage this world some day and rid our land of the dangers we are facing everyday, and I want you guys to be the first to know it!

Post 3 My Mom As My Mentor

Every hero has to have a montor, or a person to teach them the lessons of life and about life. In this case, my montor is my mom. We may have our differences and not agree on the same subject, or argue and fight, but she still raised me and taught me right from wrong and helped me through my mistakes. One of the most important things she talked to me about was: following my dreams and doing things the right way, not the way I want them to be. Sometimes I may feel like she is putting me down, or makes me feel like a bad person, and I may feel very sad, and angry at myself and the person I think I am becomin, but then I will get over it and not care what she thinks.
My mom yells at me alot and blames me for things I dint do, but she is onloy human and when this happens I build up inside and go off on her like some heros do their mentors when they get frustrated. Or another alternitave I have learned is to get stronger this way. No super is perfect and that is why we have teachers, and friends. Without the teacher, we wouldnt know anything.
A super hero doesnt always build courage by saving the ones in distress, or the helpless but by saving themselves. other times heros are the ones nedding to be saved and mentors can teach us how to handle this. This is why my mom is my montor and I am proud to be her daughter and I am grateful that she enjoys teaching me and will help me even though I may be a hero.

Post 4 I Am My Own Test Of Life

I am my own test of life, and my own battles I have to conquer and send waay!
I do not have a Threshold Guardian, and I feel greatly dissapointed about this. I have too much to overcome and too many obstacles, and to choose someone that does not exsist in my life is not fair. I would like to think of myself as my own threshold guardin. I have to overcome my mistakes and make better of myself. My only real battle is myself. When I make a wrong choice, I always get to start over, and even though I odn't show it, I always learn from my mistakes. My only real problem I have to over come is: Respect and understanding my place in this world. I am disrespectful to my elders and adults. I think that if someone no matter who they are is being rude to me that I have the 'go ahead and treat them the same' card, when really, I don't. With this bad and intense 'will get me in trouble some day' attittude, I think I am invinsable, and I don't think before I act.
This is a bad habit and quality I have to work at alon to get over this and be the hero I know I am inside and I am jst breaking through, but I have not 'broke the shell' I am forcing myself to live in.
I have to mature and be a better person, and know my place in this world. I am my own obstacle and corse. I am what I have to overcome. I am my own threshold guardian, I am what I have to conquer.
I want to say 'goodbye' to my obstacle, and 'hello' to my hero-out-of-training!

Post 5 What Holds Me Back From What I Want

As a hero that I am, I have my weaknesses and what holds me back from getting what I want. You all know what I want in my life and what I want to accomplish, but what you dont know is what is holding me back and why. My shadow is not a person, but a feeling, a thing, an emotion. What defeats me in my battles is: My selfishness as some people would call it. My emotionall feelings, my wanting more than what I have, and feelings to get revenge on people, and the feeling of embarassment. I dont mind acting a fool if I am around friends, family and people I am cool with but, when I get infront of a person or group of people I do not like or people I dont want to see me doing goofy things, I freeze up or I get real nervous and wing it. Being a super hero or any kind of hero doesnt just mean to help or show off or brag, but about making friends and doing what you think is right and making a difference. For me I am the leader of the younger family members in my family, and I hat to act a fool infront of them and have them judge me or follow my lead abd do as I do. I am the follwer to my older siblings and do what they taught me and do things my way, and when I do something kooky, or follish I cant help but to get embarassed and get very red.
Every hero has there weakness, I just told you of mine, and now I am going to tell you how I am going to rid myself of that feeling. What I want to be when I grow has to do with getting over my feeling embarassed to act foolish infront of certain people. To get over this I am going to: Work harder on not caring what people think about me or how I look because, whats it to them?? I only care about me and what I think I look like and what I may sound like, and the sudience can like it or not, or they can not care thats their peoblem. I am a very emotional person and I cant help that. But what I can help is my emotions towards attittude and the feeling of getting revenge on someone. When someone makes me really mad or upsets someone I love and then annoys me, I and going to want to get revenge on them, but in the future I can not do that. That is one thing that holds me back that I am going to have to change.
I think through my eyes and feelings, these feelings are a villian or my enemy and to them I am their enemy and villian. These emotions what nothing more than to conquer me and I am not going to let that happen. I have to conquer them and push thise feelings in the past and I am going to do that by changing the way I feel towards these emotions.

Post 6 The Trickster and How This Person Makes me Feel.

The trickster in my life is my griend named Chris! Chris makes me laugh everyday, when I am down in dumps or not feeling well or I am just in a heep of trouble, he is always there and will think of some random way to make me smile and laugh. Chris and I relate to each other in some ways more than others. He may act silly and goofy, but that is part of him being my own personal comedy show. When we take pictures together, instead of the photogtrapher having to say 'say cheese' Chris will crack a joke or make a funny noise to get me to smille BIG and he will do the same!
I think all of mine and Chris's friends se Chris as this person in their life. You can walk into some random conversation with him and other people and after something he says, you will fall into heeps on the floor. I love this about Chris and I couldn't ask for any other greater person in my life!
Without Chris I dont know what I would do, or how it would affect me. Before I met Chris, I had different tricksters, or comedy filling friends in my life. I love to laugh and smile and my friends are the reason that happens. But with Chris, he is the highlight of my day if he says something funny, or smart and funny. Chris can act completley kooky and I admire him, that is one of his characteristics of him being the trickster in my life. I want him and everyone else to know that.
Without a trickster in ones life, how does one have fun? You can make your own comedy and be your own trickster, but what fun would that be? I you dont already have a trickster in your life, the one thing I can tell you from my expierience is: Go out and find a tirckster, you life might just change for you, and you might like it better that way.

Post 7 One of a Kind

To me and my loved and cared for friends, I am one of a kind. I am there when you need me, I can almost aleays give you advice, and if I can't relate to you, then I find a way to cheer you up! I smile all the time, and love to laugh, and if you aren't laughing and smiling with me, then you will be at the end of the day! There is always a question asked: Are you a leader or a follower? I f you had to define yourself in either of thise definitions, which one would it be? I ask myself this question almost everytime I learn something new, and the answer changes on a regular basis. Right now at this point in time, I am a leader. I am leading my younger vrother into success. I am teaching my sister about high school and pumping her up. My friends when they need my help, I am there for them and that is what I like to do.
You might be asking yourselves 'What does this have to do with a hero and leading a nation?' Well I will tell you. When I think of heros I think of Superman, Batman, Spiderman, etc. But I also think aboput pacs: wolfs, bears, dogs, etc. Each of these pacs and many more have an alpha or head of th group, or boss as some might put it. To be the leader you have to: Be strong, smart, a quick thinker and selfless. I am all of the above. I might not act it, but the ones who follow me, or lead know that. There is a saying "When something is after you, dont worry abput it just worry about out running the person behind or beside you." I wouldn't leave a friend (maybe an enemy though) to be mauled by a bear or shot with a gun. I would help my friend, and/or sacrifice what I could to save that person. I would also do what is expected of me, and what I think s right by what I have taught.
A hero isn't always a leader. Heck I am a hero to some people, but I am a follower at points in my life. You will never be just one, a follower or a leader. Most of the time, if not always, you will be both whether you know it or not. I think that is what defines me as a one of a kind, and whay I am a leader and on the right path and will steer others in the right path too!

Post 8 My Loyal Band of Companions That Make Whatever Happens Real

What does being a hero mean about friends? To me a hero is allowed to have as many friends as they wish and it doesn't matter about who they choose. Yes it might be easier to have a friend who knows that you are a hero. But being a hero isn't all about having powers, and having friends who have powers. Like: Angelina Jolie is my hero, and she doesn't have an ypowers, and niether do her friends. I don't have any powers and niether do my friends. I am a hero to some people, but that doesn't mean I have super strength or I am telepathic. My friends know I am not that kind of hero and I don't want to be.
My friends: Regina, Salewa, Chris, Jarvis, Morgan, Maegen, Loryn, Demetris, Ken, and many more all have their own hidden talents or powers. The good thing about friends is: You try whatever is neccessary to protect each other, be there when the other is needed, good to talk to, and to be honest with and trust. With my friends and I, we are always there for each other and make each other laugh. We are hinest and make sure that we know that we are all there for each other. Without friends who would one talk to? Who would one hangout with? Friends are the second best thing one person can have.
We are all heros in one way or another, and I odnt tink that without friends, we wouldn't call ourselves and each other heros.

Post 10 Journeys and Missions and Roller Coasters

I am on a seperate journey everyday! When I am playing the role of a hero in someones life or my own, I am always on a different mission or journey doing or learnig something new!
When I help a friend or family member like my brother and sister, when I teach them I am learning from teaching. When I tutor some of my friends in school, or help them with a paper, I am learning something new or picking up on somethong I dodn't notice the first time through when I worked on it, so I can correct myself. When I see how my parents trust me or how my friends have more privlages than I do, then I see the way they behave, and I get jealous that I am not like them always having my parents trust. I learn from this and it always makes me feel like a bad person and I try really hard to be better, and I learn from this!
I take a different journey everyday. And what that journey is depends on the person I am and want to be, and sometimes can be a test of my knowledge, faith, truth, trust, and my dedication. My feelings towards friends and family, people I care about, and so one are a test also. Without all these qualities and journeys I go to learn new things, I would change the way I am or act.
Being on a journey is more than finding out what you want to know or already know. Its also about finding your true self, and really openong up. I dont think that if I haven't gone on my journeys in life on the ups and downs of roller coaster, I would not have found my inner self and gained self trust, esteem, and courage. And there is still place for improvment and changes when I am ready.
So here I go on my next journey and mission in life. Without thise close to me, I am missing a part of myself, and so are you. There is more to a hero than fighting off the bad guys, or helping the damsel in distress, but about helping ones self. So choose a path and find your next journey. When ones journey is over they rin back home to their loved ones. Thats what I do and that is what you should too!
Here I am heading for my next journey and you are in it, so I will be seeing you!

Post 9 What I Say And There Effects

Whatdo I have to say about some things? Well I always have something to say and I am not always proud of that nor what I say. But some of the things I say are good and hold advice. Others are mean and things I shouldn't say. I regret these in the future or right off the bat.
When I am giving a friend advice they always thank me. I feel good when I do this, then I see that my friend has taken what I said into perspective and I feel so accomplished! I give good advice and bad advice and I try my best to relate to that person or friend so I can help them if I have been in the same situation, or somehwere close. When friends or whoever I help out follow through with the advice I gave them, they tell me that they feel like 'a heavy weight or feeling, or sorrow has been lifted from them and they are free.'
Besides giving advice, I give speechs to friends as well. When I go around trying to convinve people to do this or that, I also get the same feeling as when I give advice. I especially feel accomplished when they follow through with what I said and believe me when I am telling the truth.
The most important thing to know when talking to a friend, or family member, or anyone else for that matter, the number one thing to do is: Earn that persons trust, and believe them. Without some of these fair qualities in a friend or so on, it is hard to give advice, and help them out.
I do this with all of my friends and whoever I am trying to help, and I never feel more apreciated! This is one of the wualities that defines me as a hero and without it, I might not be where I am today!

Post 11